About me
Hi, I’m Justin Lundsedt, the Executive Function OT! I am going to help you develop the confidence and the knowledge in executive function so that you can help your clients achieve their goals!

After 20+ years of working as an occupational therapist directly with my clients / students to help them develop the skills to achieve their goals, I have recognized an ongoing need in the occupational therapy world related to executive function intervention. There are too many well versed therapists out there with the skill and the ability to forge ahead in EF intervention, but the path has not be carved out yet, leaving them unsure and weary of pushing forward in fear of being wrong. Because of this, it became my mission to increase the occupational therapy presence in the executive function world because quite honestly, I believe it is our home base. Therefore, I developed this online platform to develop coaching opportunities, digital courses and curriculum distribution for those therapists interested in furthering their awareness in executive function. With this opportunity, I am now able to help other professionals develop their executive function toolbox as an OT. It is my passion, and my honor to assist each of my professional clients to develop the confidence, the knowledge, and the skills set in order to elevate themselves and be recognized as the "go to" professional in their area for executive function intervention.